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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wow! I never thought I'd recommend a weight-loss system but...

....if you want to lose weight (whether it's a lot or a little), this is something I really think you ought to look into. It's called The Silhouette Solution You know, I'm in constant contact with people in all aspects of health, wellness, sports medicine, nutrition, whole foods, functional diagnostic medicine, and self improvement. Yet of all the niches in these arenas, the one that stands out and is the biggest... is weight loss. The weight loss industry has come up with all kinds of products, techniques, and systems to drop those unwanted pounds. But like a college education, it doesn't come easy, quick, or without some sort of effort. Face it, learning to be successful at anything takes some time, sometimes sacrifice, but more than anything else, the right information, and the right system to learn from. Most of the food people eat is not matched to the body’s needs. This is one of the reasons so many people who lose weight pack it all back on again. It’s just the way things are set up. And the good news is that it doesn't need to be that way anymore. Successful lifelong and sustained weight loss is NOT in the form of hypnosis or a drug. Some programs make sense but are so difficult to use, because nearly everyone who tries them fails. Some promise outrageous results by doing some pretty silly (and sometimes downright dangerous) things. Some consist of "magic pills" containing, who knows what kinds of unregulated ingredients in them. But the thing most of them have in common is that they usually don't work very well... or for very long until old habits are once again revisited or encouraged by media advertising for poor quality food choices.

Well, I want to tell you about a tool that's proven to help you defeat the battle of the bulge, without negative side effects, and without having to take another pill. But the best part is --this really works. That's because instead of relying on magic or super-human feats of will power, this actually makes it easy for you to make the right food choices and get motivated to exercise. So what's this tool? It's 3- simple steps to a healthier, slimmer, and happier you called The Silhouette Solution. Because when you eat carefully calibrated foods you'll have virtually no hunger pangs, you won't punish yourself with feelings of starvation or cravings. And because it's so easy to do, you'll stay on track, and learn how to push through your body's "set-point" of fatness. Frequent high quality protein intake is the key in this system... an its so simple and effortless, anybody can be successful at it for lasting life-long benefit.

"Wow! ...she looked about 10- years younger to start.....then I saw the new body... unbelievable... amazing ... The difference in 17 days... was just staggering... she's glowing, and looking even more beautiful if you can even imagine that!!!...."

Want to get started?

-- Make it a good day...

Chiropractic Orthopedic Group

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