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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

O.K. So Here's #5 of 100 Ways To Better Health:


Limit your intake of processed and packaged convenience foods, canned goods, frozen dinners, refrigerated, and dried snack foods. 

What you regularly eat can greatly affect your health and your well-being because of it's calorie density. Scientific studies have shown time and again that choosing healthy foods can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. The commercial food processing alters the natural components of the foods, which make it less beneficial to the body. The use of chemicals to preserve, control and enhance  the flavor in addition to the color of your favorite foods can be more damaging than you know... especially to the different systems of your body than they do to enhance your health. First of all, choose foods with a low Glycemic Index (or "low GI").  Sorry, but there's really only a few foods to be concerned about. High fructose corn syrup and ones with added sugar, of course each have a high GI, as does white or wheat bread, most cold cereals, as well as  watermelon, pineapple,  and baked potatoes.  Here's a good rule of thumb, eat only regional fruits and vegetables that are in season... because they're closest to the calorie needs of where you are. ...and that's why mangos and bananas don't grow in Sacramento!

A healthy diet can help prevent cancer, since up to 60 percent of cancer cases are diet-related. Healthy foods can also help you maintain a healthy weight. So what type of diet is best  for disease prevention and to maintain a healthy weight? The best diet is one that you can stick with for life. A healthy diet is also a lifestyle, not a fad that's dangerous or difficult to maintain. Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet rich in whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and meat... just a few times a week is the best way to prevent disease and increase the chances of a long productive and healthy future. 

Because what you do between the ages of 35 to 55 will dictate the quality of your life from 60 years and beyond.

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care."