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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Monday, January 9, 2012

9- Helpful Tips For Arthritis Sufferers To Follow

Joint Pain Relief
If you or anyone you know is experiencing struggles due to arthritis, you might find yourself clueless when looking to treat this disease. Luckily, you've come to the right place if you want to learn more about what arthritis is, and what to do about it.

Stop smoking if you want to reduce the swelling and pain caused by arthritis. Its been shown through studies that non-smokers have less inflammation in their joints if they suffer from arthritis. You should seriously consider quitting smoking to help you with your arthritis. If you've tried to quit before and couldn't, you should seriously consider talking to us since there's plenty of strategies available that could potentially help you with solutions that affect addictions. One of the best things you can do for yourself, or loved ones is reduce the amount of oxidative stress occurring inside your body.  You can do this two ways.  First, by consuming more water.  How much water?  Most authorities suggest between 50% to 66% of your body's weight in fluid ounces each day. There's also a supplement available backed by 9- peer reviewed clinical studies from world renowned research institutions that's proven to reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress from 40-70% in all warm blooded animals 100% of the time, thus slowing the aging process.  

TIP! Be sure you have a strong group of people around you who can lend you support if you are an arthritis sufferer. Have a team made up of doctors, friends and family around you so that they can help you deal with what you are going through.

Bone loss can cause osteoarthritis too; consequently, its very important to get enough calcium an magnesium into your diet. Calcium can be found in the greatest amounts in green leafy vegetables as well as all sorts of dairy products, including yogurt, cheese and milk. However, if you're unable to tolerate dairy products, you'll want to use a chelated calcium supplement.  There's two forms of Omega-3 essential fatty acids.  One serves to nourish and protect the brain and nerves while the other serves the joints. You'll want to know which one to take and how much to be using. 
Getting an early diagnosis of arthritis, when you first start having symptoms, is most advantageous for treatment. The sooner you have your arthritis diagnosed, and start implementing a treatment plan, the better off you'll be. Your joints will be in better condition, which means you won't suffer as much pain. Its important to find a doctor who can see you as soon as possible to get an accurate diagnosis.
Most importantly, consult a health care professional to get information about the use of joint treatments, including both hot and cold methods. Soaking in ice water or using an ice pack is a good cold treatment for making your joints feel better while heating pads, hot packs, a warm Epsom Salt bath, or a far infrared sauna are all good soothing heat treatments. It is also a good idea to alternate between heat and cold therapy, as long as you do not do this in excess.
TIP! If you've tried all arthritis treatments, and all else falls, you may want to consider talking with your doctor about other more aggressive strategies. Depending on the extent of your problem, different approaches have been known to help reverse most of the effects that this condition has on flexibility and mobility in the joints.

Over the counter pain relievers are not the best solution. Some of these seemingly safe pain killers can have serious side effects that may not be worth the temporary improvement. Only use these as a last resort, and use them correctly according to the label's instructions. If a little bit helps, a whole lot more isn't necessarily better.
Taking walks after dinner can really help you too. If you walk after dinner, typically you'll feel better and you'll have more energy. Take someone with you on your walk, not only to improve your health, but to catch up with that person.
Short-term chiropractic care for neck and back pain.  916.933.2707 in El Dorado Hills.  Evidence based, affordable, and convenient without long-term treatment plans or unproven therapies.  Short-term care for your long-term goals.
It's Not As Easy As It Looks
Keep your back straight, and don't slouch, or hunch over, if it can be avoided. Your posture affects your arthritis symptoms more than any other factor --even your diet or exercise plan isn't as important as your posture. Sit up straight with your back in alignment, instead of elbows on the table or desk.  And when standing, make sure your feet are shoulder distance apart. These simple changes will keep your posture correct and reduce your risk of joint pain and inflammation. Practice a balancing act once or twice a day.  Do this by balancing something on your head while sitting, driving, or walking.  You'll be forced into a neutral posture, and you'll soon remember what a balanced posture feels like.  
TIP! Try to switch between cold and hot treatments. When your joints are really feeling the pain, alternating temperatures can really work to ease pain and bring down swelling.

You need to be proactive about your arthritis management. There are as many types of arthritis as there are arthritis symptoms. As one of millions of arthritis sufferers, it can be difficult to find the right treatment for you. Take time to do research on techniques that might alleviate your specific issues.
Rather than allowing your arthritis to get the best of you, improve your condition by learning as much as possible about it. Use the advice in this article to help develop an effective treatment plan for your arthritis.
Bless and be blessed... Always,
Short-term chiropractic care for neck and back pain.  916.933.2707 in El Dorado Hills.  Evidence based, affordable, and convenient without long-term treatment plans or unproven therapies.  Short-term care for your long-term goals.


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