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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Friday, November 15, 2013

Expert Advice For Getting Rid Of Back Pain

Expert Advice For Getting Rid Of Back Pain 
Back pain treatment. Lewis Meltz, DC, Where Education and Experience Makes a Difference.

Chronic back pain is a problem that afflicts many people from all walks of life. I see people like these everyday, and desperate calls on weekends.  There is actually a lot that you can do to either eliminate or reduce the amount of back pain that you have should it come on suddenly. If you follow the advice contained in the article below, you’ll soon see relief from your aching back before you’re able to get help from a doctor.

First, avoid any repeated stress on the back that are bothering your muscles, and by learning to use other muscles to take some of the stress off of your back.  In other words, if it hurts… don’t do it.  The adage, “no pain no gain” simply doesn’t work here. 

Back pain treatment. Lewis Meltz, DC, Where Education and Experience Makes a Difference.
Lay down on the floor if you can, and lift your knees at a 90-degree angle to your hips. Do this by putting your heels on the seat cushion of a chair or sofa.  You can even do this in bed using a gym ball.  This position will reduce the stress on your lower back thus relieving the compression coming from your back. Finding whichever position feels most comfortable to you is best, as long as you're not twisting or torquing your spine.

If you get chronic back pains, go to a good chiropractor to protect yourself from recurrence —so you can avoid back pain in the future. Seeing one periodically, (like getting your teeth cleaned) may help you deal with tiny issues before they turn into more serious problems and injuries.

A healthy well-balanced diet that is full of essential nutrients and green leafy vegetables is vital, and will help alleviate back pain quicker than you may realize. Not only does a higher water intake help you maintain a healthy body weight that minimizes pressure on back muscles, it helps to minimize fatigue especially when you’re coping with a back pain episode.  It also prevents back pain complications associated with dehydration.  So it’s important to drink enough fluids each day.  How much?  For some at least half your body weight in fluid ounces from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, and for some maybe a little more.

Lifting objects that are far away is commonly due to nothing more than l-a-z-i-n-e-s-s and time constraints when you’re in a rush.  Don’t do it.  People often take these shortcuts; they do this daily… and the pay for it in the end. You have to stand closer to things that are positioned too far away from you, and take the time to do things safely, and the right way using your center of gravity and leverage to your best advantage.

You can protect your back during those long days at a desk by simply taking short walks on your breaks, and frequently stretch.

Back pain treatment. Lewis Meltz, DC, Where Education and Experience Makes a Difference.Breast reductions are not as common of a solution to ease chronic upper back problems and complaints. However, women who choose elective breast augmentation often times find this as a new and unexpected burden to deal with. 

Despite the cautions of what not-to-do, there are several different things that can be done to prevent excessive mid and lower back.

Always remember the basics when you are treating your own back pain. You will benefit considerably from even a couple days of taking things easier… but not bed rest. Give up your spot on the couch or your recliner for a while.  In the meantime, let your back relax, and do all that you can to reduce your oxidative stress.   

Effective pain management is a complex issue, because your body responds with all its defenses to protect and heal an injury.  Instead of reaching for an over the counter pain reliever like acetaminophen, or an anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen, or naproxen
Back pain treatment. Lewis Meltz, DC, Where Education and Experience Makes a Difference.
for some temporary pain relief —you want to stay away from things with dangerous side effects, or worse, a neighbor’s left over prescriptive medication.  Try something different… as part of your daily diet… especially if you know you’re predisposed to a problem. A good start is increasing your magnesium intake by eating dark leafy vegetables or sea vegetables on a daily basis. 

A natural anti-inflammatory like Boswella, Bromelain, (from pineapple) Devil’s Claw or a Nrf2 activator like Protandim containing turmeric are very helpful for long term use with no known ill side effects, (unless you’re on a blood thinner or have a clotting disorder) you’d want to use less. You can also use hot and cold therapy along with soothing topical pain relievers with oil of wintergreen, menthol, and camphor as ingredients.

Some back injuries can be so severe that you’re nearly incapacitated with pain, and in some cases can cause paralysis, but it's dependent upon how extreme it is and the situation. There are also other back conditions that can only be fixed with surgery as a last resort.

Back pain treatment. Lewis Meltz, DC, Where Education and Experience Makes a Difference.Many options exist to address and alleviate the pain in your back and the way it can disrupt your life. Procrastination will be your worst enemy and taking action will be your best friend.  Don't just read these tips… do something with them and you will quickly see your symptoms starting to decrease. Back pain is neither unavoidable nor a punishment for things you've done in the past. You can and should be able to free yourself from this type of problem.  The decision you make is yours.

“Live your life as an exclamation rather than an explanation.”  —Bob Newton  

Bless and Be Blessed... ALWAYS

Back pain treatment. Lewis Meltz, DC, Where Education and Experience Makes a Difference.

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