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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Neck Injuries Can Impact Your Health


Regardless of the cause, spinal injuries almost always result in some kind of misalignment or restriction of spinal bones in the neck, mid or lower back.   

These fixations are associated with a vast assortment of health issues, such as headaches, migraines, backaches, neck pain, digestive problems, carpal tunnel syndrome… and now experts report many other more serious conditions may be related.
Research finds how some of these vertebral restrictions caused by even minor injuries affecting the upper neck, overtime can contribute to progressive disorders of the nervous system.  
Disease symptoms worsen as your condition progresses over time.  Problems like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease

Folsom-El Dorado Hills Chiropractor, Lewis Meltz, D.C., For the latest advances in sports therapy chiropractic treatment of back pains, neck pains, headaches family care Call Us (916) 933-2707 Located in the heart of El Dorado Hills CA 95762 One thing we know, lower your own potential risk (since many of these are genetic, and thus beyond your control) would be to…

Take good care of the things that regulate your cardiovascular health, such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke, and heart disease...

…all of which can lead to poor blood flow to your brain and possibly elevate your risk of developing these problems.

But how could an upper neck injury cause these conditions?

Want to know how?

Researchers theorize that vertebral fixations set up virtual roadblocks within the neck and spinal column.

By suppressing normal function, and dampening the normal feedback mechanisms, this starves other areas of vital information allowing them to function properly.

After years of influence these roadblocks may cause a multiplier effect resulting in what only can be described as…

 …a failure to thrive, and begin to affect every part of the body from the brain to the heart, and the lifestyle conditions associated with them.

The good news is that spinal restrictions are easily correctable with safe and gentle maneuvers called spinal manipulative therapy.

Some prefer a skilled and experienced chiropractor (DC) for their periodic spinal hygiene visits…

While others prefer an osteopath, (DO), or a physical therapist (DPT) who’s skilled and knowledgeable in manual orthopedic therapy.

Neck and back injuries affect more than just the spine.

Spinal injuries occur in just seconds, and an experienced chiropractor like Dr. Meltz, knows that uncorrected spinal bones may last for years, and during that time cause enduring pain and disability or the delayed onset of other problems.

Folsom-El Dorado Hills Chiropractor, Lewis Meltz, D.C., For the latest advances in sports therapy chiropractic treatment of back pains, neck pains, headaches family care Call Us (916) 933-2707 Located in the heart of El Dorado Hills CA 95762 Multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are two degenerative diseases for which there are no cures.

Research shows that spinal trauma may trigger and worsen MS and PD symptoms.  Eur J Neurol2003;10:109-10. 

Fortunately, initial research shows that chiropractic adjustments help reduce symptoms for both MS and PD patients who’ve sustained neck injuries.

Alzheimer’s Disease

What’s the association between AD and brain injury? One theory explaining the AD- injury risk lies in an enzyme in the blood called thrombin, which has been found in plaques of AD patients’ brains.

Brain injuries, and spinal trauma in which neurons are exposed to high levels of thrombin, significantly increase AD risks.


Researchers also link neck injuries to clinical depression.  Patients with acute neck whiplash injuries both male and female subjects often report depression as one of the three chief complaints shortly after their neck injury.

Folsom-El Dorado Hills Chiropractor, Lewis Meltz, D.C., For the latest advances in sports therapy chiropractic treatment of back pains, neck pains, headaches family care Call Us (916) 933-2707 Located in the heart of El Dorado Hills CA 95762 After depression the next 2- most common symptoms were concentration, and problems going to sleep or staying asleep —each are many times associated with depression.  J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1993;56:1328-9 

Migraines, Emotional Problems, Neck Pain, Backache and Osteoarthritis

Studies show that the trauma caused by spinal injuries can accelerate the degenerative process of osteoarthritis. In addition, research indicates that osteoarthritis increases the incidence of falls causing fractures regardless of steadiness and bone mineral density. (J Arthritis Rheum2003;49:648-57).

Prevention is the best pathway and solution for:

Improved Health
Better Posture
Greater Flexibility
More Energy
So You Can Enjoy Life Again !

If you’ve sustained any type of accident —from mild to traumatic —then contact Dr. Meltz for a complete spinal evaluation.

If you’re currently in pain, your symptoms could be related to undetected vertebral fixations, which can be easily corrected. 
Even if you feel you’ve escaped the trauma symptom-free, scheduling an appointment with the Dr. Meltz will ensure that your neck and spine are resilient and flexible enough to avoid future problems.

Bless and Be Blessed ALWAYS...

Folsom-El Dorado Hills Chiropractor, Lewis Meltz, D.C., For the latest advances in sports therapy chiropractic treatment of back pains, neck pains, headaches family care Call Us (916) 933-2707 Located in the heart of El Dorado Hills CA 95762

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