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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Back Pain

Back Pain

Back pain medications of all kinds, and other powerful pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs can hush and calm your symptoms for a while all right... that's at least until they wear off.  But the problem remains the same, and pain's alarm becomes easily ignored and masked because the cause remains the same but only now it's easily overlooked.  Has this ever been you?   It's also Albert Einstein's definition of insanity...

"Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

And then those "common side effects" you always hear about... like lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting, constipation, difficulty peeing, impaired thinking, and all the physical abilities needed to drive or operate machinery... and that's just for Vicodin.

Pain of any kind is a warning sign that something's not right. Some people quiet their symptoms down with a pain reliever or a muscle relaxant while ignoring the real message. But that's the same as taking the battery out of your smoke detector when it goes off at the first sign of a fire... so you can go back to sleep! 

Two Common Causes

On every movable vertebra... there's two facet joints, one on each side of your spine from the top of your neck to below your waistline and each are abundantly supplied with very sensitive and delicate nerve endings.  These are known to be an everyday cause of back pain. The pain can be a sign these interlocking "hinges" that allow side bending, twisting, and leaning backward aren't moving properly.

The cartilage between each spinal bone called a disc can be involved as well. Trauma or overuse can cause the soft, jelly-like material in the center to bulge or squeeze out, putting undue pressure on nearby nerves causing pain, numbness, tingling, or all three.

Your Choices

Over the past 31- years we've helped many people with safe and natural chiropractic care with these problems. But, you've got other choices to pick from.  You can choose to:

Ignore it (and your back and neck problems may worsen.)

Bed rest (and you could end up prolonging the problem.)

Massage (it can loosens muscles but can add extra stress to malfunctioning joints.)

Prescription Rx (it works well but alters the way the body normally reacts to pain or swelling)

Surgery (considered the most aggressive remedy, and should be your last resort)

But then there's Chiropractic Care

Specific chiropractic adjustments can help improve your spinal mobility and function. By restoring the way your spine works and behaves, your discs and the soft tissues around your spine and other joints may heal, nerve irritation and pain may be reduced, inflammation can ease and better strength, power, coordination, flexibility, balance, and stability can return. 

Aside from just feeling better, those are the common side effects of chiropractic care.

If you don't have a chiropractor you like, we'd want to be yours and earn your confidence and trust.

Schedule a consultation today!

Bless and Be Blessed Always,

Chiropractic Care in El Dorado Hills, CA | El Dorado Hills Chiropractic Care | 916.933.2707 | Back Pain | Chiropractic Orthopedic Group | Lewis N. Meltz, D.C., F.A.C.O.


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