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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Blow On It First!

Just Blow On It.. 

As a chiropractor in El Dorado Hills I often explain to people, "you certainly don't need to call the fire department to blow out candles on your birthday cake... or a plumber to pour a little drain cleaner down the kitchen sink."  Simple things like that you can do all on your own with no sweat at all. 

But every day, people call on a specialist or an expert of some kind to treat a problem their 'doctor on the inside' knows just how to do without any help at all.  The doctor inside is known as "Dr. You."  And most often could just as easily take care of it with the right information, the tincture of time and nature's healing process.

It might come from a lack of understanding, fear of the unknown, or the "what- if's" from media conditioning that makes it seem life threatening... an annoyance... or an inconvenience that needs to be treated. 

You've heard all the warnings... or maybe now you ignore most of them.  Sometimes over-testing is done all for the sake of being careful.  The truth is, it creates fear in the hearts of patients who just need to find a simple solution, and hear the truth from someone they can trust.

As a chiropractor, sometimes the greatest challenge we have is to help you realize just how powerful you really are. The same physical laws, which holds the universe together is holding you together also!  In the rare case you develop a health problem where outside help is needed, rest assured it will generally be there for you.

In the time between fright and flight - take a moment, breath deeply and relax.  If your Nervous System is clear and working properly, your body is capable of blowing out the 'flame' all on its own.

Bless and Be Blessed Always,

Chiropractic Care in El Dorado Hills, CA | El Dorado Hills Chiropractic Care | 916.933.2707 | Naturally | Chiropractic Orthopedic Group | Lewis N. Meltz, D.C., F.A.C.O.

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