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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Friday, June 13, 2014

How to Avoid Becoming an "Exercise Dropout?”

--> How to Avoid Becoming an

"Exercise Dropout?”

Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA | El Dorado Hills Chiropractic Care | 916.933.2707 | Exercise | Chiropractic Orthopedic Group | Lewis N. Meltz, D.C., F.A.C.O.
--> In spite of good intentions, it is common to begin exercising regularly and then either gradually or abruptly stopping… and then ending up in the same physical condition as before exercising. It is a frustration experienced by nearly everyone that would like to begin an exercise program.

--> There are a few key factors, however, that Dr. Meltz recommends may help people continue stretching and exercising throughout life. Among these factors is a clear understanding of the benefits of regular exercise.  Short-term benefits may include overcoming an injury; long-term benefits may include remaining active and pain-free in the years to come.

--> Another key point is to stop believing you are being forced to do something unpleasant.  Begin with an exercise that you enjoy and set attainable goals.  Every time you exercise or stretch as planned, you are one step closer to creating your exercise habit. Interestingly enough, time can be your ally.  We are creatures of habit. You can choose to have healthy habits.

--> In addition to enjoying your exercise program, the content, length, and frequency must be customized to your condition and the desired outcome. We can help you understand the full benefits, customize your approach, and give ongoing support to enable you to move into a healthier lifestyle.

Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA | El Dorado Hills Chiropractic Care | 916.933.2707 | Exercise | Chiropractic Orthopedic Group | Lewis N. Meltz, D.C., F.A.C.O. Many people consider visiting a chiropractor only after suffering years of unnecessary pain. However, we know that focusing on prevention is key to long-term well-being, and that includes regular exercise, and that means finally adopting a proactive approach to health. For example, neck pain, is common among all ages of the population, especially the elderly, and chiropractic care is helpful, (Spine Journal 2013;10:35) and has considerable implications on health and quality of life. You may experience an increase of neck or back pain soon after you begin exercising regularly. Just as you schedule regular dental cleanings to prevent tooth and gum decay, it’s essential to arrange consistent chiropractic checkups to stave off spinal decay and related ailments all while exercising. 

Bless and Be Blessed Always,

Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA | El Dorado Hills Chiropractic Care | 916.933.2707 | Exercise | Chiropractic Orthopedic Group | Lewis N. Meltz, D.C., F.A.C.O.

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